ACRS response to the proposed ‘In Danger’ listing of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area

Download: ACRS response to proposed GBR ‘In Danger’ listing

The recommendation to add the Great Barrier Reef to the list of World Heritage ‘in danger’ is grim news for the Reef, the marine life it supports and the Queensland tourism industry. It is also a call to action to the Australian government to make meaningful steps toward curbing carbon emissions.

In the linked response above, the Australian Coral Reef Society details their views on the potential effect to multiple industries and agencies who work on the Great Barrier Reef, including traditional owners, the tourism industry, and regulating partners such as GBRMPA. Critically, the ACRS finds that combined efforts from these groups will only be effective if the government can begin urgent work on a credible national plan to achieve domestic greenhouse gas emissions reductions at a speed consistent with the survival of the Great Barrier Reef.

We urge our members to download and read the full response and the ACRS is happy to provide additional information as required.

We would like to thank President Sarah Hamylton for writing, and the ACRS council for editing