The ACRS recommends the Teatfish fishery is not approved for Wildlife Trade Operation in the Coral Sea
A great proportion of ACRS members conduct research in Australia’s Coral Sea territory. We take this opportunity to comment on the Commonwealth Coral Sea Fishery (CSF), which requires approval for ongoing export. As a result of the current expertise of our Society Council, we focus our comments primarily on the black and white teatfish, or sea cucmber, fisheries. We encourage interested readers to download and read the attached submission PDF, in which the ACRS makes the following key recommendations:
- The Commonwealth Coral Sea Fishery upholds the CITES listings of the black teatfish.
- (Holothuria whitmaei) and white teatfish (Holothuria fuscogilva).
- The black teatfish fishery is not approved for Wildlife Trade Operation.
- The white teatfish fishery is not approved for Wildlife Trade Operation.
- The Australian Fisheries Management Authority’s Observer Program is considered for sea cucumbers within the Commonwealth Coral Sea Fishery.
- Management considers antagonistic effects of ocean warming on winter spawning.
We would like to thank councillor Kennedy Wolfe for writing, and the ACRS council for editing.