Reef Matters Seminar Series – Dr Anne Hoggett

The spirit of the Australian Coral Reef Society

ACRS science-based policy plan for Australia’s coral reefs

Positive, practical changes to current reef policies could help reverse the decline in the health of Australia’s coral reefs  and increase the viability of all the industries associated with reefs.

Here, we highlight ways to build  resilience  in Australia’s coral reefs to protect from harmful human impacts. We focus on:

  1. Climate Change,
  2. Port development,
  3. Water quality.
  4. Fisheries,
  5. Crown-of Thorns,
  6. Marine debris pollution,
  7. Compliance & Management,
  8. Beach erosion,
  9. Anthropogenic noise



Comment on the fisheries management reform in Queensland green paper

The Australian Coral Reef Society (ACRS) applaud the Queensland Government’s effort to refocus outdated management  practices and achieve long-term sustainability and resilient fisheries stocks, as well as healthy ecosystems that all  Australians can enjoy now and into the future. We highlight four areas of the reform that we feel are important to  fisheries and coral reefs in Queensland.
